
True Power

all the transformational tools you need to live in your

Are you ready to stop being at the mercy of life and start creating it?

If so, welcome to True Power—a three month transformational incubator to propel yourself forward to be the person you are meant to be for this world.

You + a small group of co-ed, like minded individuals will learn and apply the tools to take your power back from everything outside of yourself, remember who you really are, and create a life that you absolutely love.

True Power is designed to help you re-wire your brain for happiness, gratitude and success.  

In this course, you will learn how to abolish your fears so you can get out of your own way and start creating massive abundance and freedom. 

You will learn to overcome the negativity bias with which we are all evolutionarily hardwired and start seeing yourself and your life newly. 

You will learn to create and stick to effective goals and habits that provide you with a solid foundation to be the best person you can be.

 You will gain the inner work tools to proactively communicate and fulfill your needs and wants. 

You will learn to control your emotions and guide your thoughts.

You will learn to befriend every part of yourself so you are no longer in an exhausting internal struggle….

and you will make lifelong friends to walk the path of transformation alongside you. 

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life-3.png

Want to know what you’d get out of this course?

Check out these “text”-imonials:

Course Curriculum

Module 1: Define Your True Power

You are not who you’ve always believed yourself to be.

Module 2: Get Unstopped

Cut the bullshit. Who are you, really?

Module 3: Change the Channel on Your Reality

Transform the way you see the world and the world you see will transform.

Module 4: Stop Self-Sabotaging

Amplify your joy, inspiration, abundance, and peace.

Module 5: Do Less, Feel Better, Achieve More

Eliminate unnecessary stress and struggle and watch productivity increase.

Module 6: Shatter the Illusion of Certainty

Stop searching for The Truth, start living Your Truth.

Module 7: Discover How Life is Conspiring in Your Favor

Find gratitude, acceptance and peace in every circumstance.

Module 8: Own It or It Will Own You

Take radical responsibility in order to take your power back.

Module 9: Feel It to Heal It

Emotions are energy-in-motion; learn to ride the wave.

Module 10: Re-Invent Yourself

Break free of who you’ve always been and become who you were always meant to be.

Module 11: Alchemize Your Fears

Transform your pains into purpose; Complaints into clarity; Resistance into rocket fuel.

Module 12: Live Your True Power

Visualize and create a future that excites the hell outta you!


True Power

Each week:

  • You’ll gain access to a new, life-changing, perspective-shifting transformational module, complete with videos, and bonus materials.

  • You’ll be given at-home exercises for how to apply that week’s tools to the areas of life that matter most to you.

  • We’ll gather on Zoom for you to share your breakthroughs/ /breakdowns and be coached by me, Brandilyn, in a small group setting.

  • You will have an opportunity to take the work deeper in break-out rooms, where you will bond closely with the other participants.

Each month:

  • You’ll have an opportunity to participate in an in-depth, experiential workshop that takes that month’s learnings to the next level.

  • You’ll have a 30 minute 1-1 coaching call with me to help catalyze transformation in stubborn areas of your life and deepen your understanding of how these tools apply to you.

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Here’s what you’ll learn…

I have been gathering and developing the tools that are revealed in this program for the past 10+ years of my transformational journey, my coaching practice, and my retreat company. I can tell you with absolute certainty that these tools have the capacity to radically transform your life if you let them.

True Power synthesizes and builds upon a variety of modalities that I believe are each irreplaceable pieces to the transformational puzzle.

These modalities include:

  • Inner Child Work

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • Internal Family Systems (Parts Work)

  • Polyvagal Theory

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming

  • Somatic Healing

  • The Work of Byron Katie

  • Trauma Informed Care

  • Nonviolent Communication

  • Feel Good Life Methodology

  • Authentic Relating

You will leave this course with a life-long understanding of how to apply these transformational tools to any area of your life.

What’s Included:

  • Lifetime Access to 12 Life-Changing Modules

  • Twelve 90+ Minute Group Coaching Calls

  • Three 30 Minute-Long Coaching Calls with Brandilyn

  • Access to Private Facebook Group

  • Transformational Worksheets


  • 3 In-Depth Workshops

  • Guided Meditations and Visualizations


Hi! I’m your host, Brandilyn Tebo

I’m a transformational coach, founder and host of The Shift Retreats, bestselling author, columnist and inspirational speaker. I am proud to say that I now wake up every day excited and go to bed fulfilled, but it certainly didn’t used to be this way. I used to be a prisoner to my own thoughts and emotions. I didn’t know how to process my traumas, and I developed debilitating anorexia as a coping mechanism. I suffered from OCD, sleep disorder, ulcers and severe separation anxiety. In my darkest hour, when there was nowhere to go but up, I started discovering these transformational tools, which radically healed me.

And now, I get to do what I love every day: teach others the transformational tools that saved my life.

I am so grateful to say that I have traveled the world to teach empowering workshops in High Schools, Prisons, Fortune 500 Companies and Colleges. Today, I coach clients on how to remove internal barriers to following their hearts, changing the world and being the fullest expression of themselves!

Don’t take it from me…

Here’s what True Power Graduates have to say…


Schedule Your Discovery Call Now

Give yourself the gift of investing your time and energy into this program. You deserve a life that you truly love. The tools available to you in this course will give you access to a whole new world.