A self-paced online course to awaken and educate the body image activist within.-5.png
Is this you?-2.png
Are you someone who wakes up in the morning and instinctively feels your stomach to see if it’s gotten smaller overnight? Is how you feel and act a function of how you look? Do you say “no” to invites to a party or t-3.png
Then this course is for YOU!.png
Brandi Rebel.jpeg
Cara Rebel.jpeg
Updated dear rebel.png
Brandilyn and Cara.png
A self-paced online course to awaken and educate the body image activist within.-2.png
Part 1_-4.png
This module will completely rock your world view, in the best way possible. You will leave this understanding how to liberate yourself from inernalized oppression and stop participating in the hierarchy of bodies. Yo-3.png
Dear Rebel, We believe that the knowledge in this course provides the missing link to sustainable body image healing, for you and for society. Now, we know what you’re thinking_ “I’ve tried everything and I still don-3.png
Dear Rebel, We believe that the knowledge in this course provides the missing link to sustainable body image healing, for you and for society. Now, we know what you’re thinking_ “I’ve tried everything and I still don-4.png
Dear Rebel, We believe that the knowledge in this course provides the missing link to sustainable body image healing, for you and for society. Now, we know what you’re thinking_ “I’ve tried everything and I still don-5.png
Brandilyn and Cara.png